Gear List

Table of contents



Requisition 1


An injector filled with whatever you need to stay standing. Once injected, the only thing that can take you down is death.



Requisition 1

Air Filter

A large hip mounted device that aggressively scrubs the air surrounding a person, removing any problematic materials, bacteria, and viruses.



Requisition 2

All Access Pass

A black sheet that feels similar to paper in your hands. When held by a trained person and presented with confidence, it appears to be any form, or authentication someone else might expect you to have. The incredible thing about this device is you don’t even need to know what it is the other party expects, the object itself will know.

  • Traits: Unskilled
  • You may show the All Access Pass to another Character who is expecting some form of paperwork, badge, or other documentation and they will believe you have it.



Requisition 0

Amenity Kit

A collection of small games, toys, a comfortable blanket, candies and instant coffee. This collection contains everything you need to get a desperate citizen friendly with you, making them more comfortable and relaxed. Many of the tools in this kit also secretly double as tests for normal brain activity and other irregularities.



Requisition 0


As military operatives, you carry a large amount of ammo on you, to the point most reclaimers never run out.



Requisition 2

Auto Map

A nuclear-powered sonar and radiographic device that can map large and detailed areas automatically providing the rendered maps to your Heads-Up-Display

  • Traits: Unskilled.
  • You can activate the Auto Map to get a map of everything within Far from you.



Requisition 1

Autonomous Stretcher

An advanced collapsible stretcher that functions as a feature rich hospital bed and levitating transport for the injured. When stationary provides detailed vitals readouts of anyone on the stretcher. It has built in hovering technology causing it to levitate at an adjustable height above the ground and can autonomously move based on instruction.

  • Traits: Unskilled, Follower.
  • (+1) to medical based Action performed on anyone on the stretcher.
  • Can hold up to 1 person plus their equipment and can be instructed to follow you or travel without supervision to anywhere it has a map of.



Requisition 2


A disturbing needle pointed glove oozing with strange fluids that seem to be secreted from your body. This device is used to temporarily disrupt the genetic makeup of those around you in strange and incredible ways.

  • Traits: Skilled(Ascendancy).
  • As an Action you can modify someone within Reach with some small boon or malady until the end of the Scene.
  • With a few minutes, you can drastically alter a willing character or characters with a new property that last until the end of deployment, or until you create another drastic change.
  • On failure, you and the target suffer a Stress. On a Critical Failure the target also suffers 2 Injury Damage.

So, during combat you could cause someone’s muscles to grow giving them +1 Strength, or with some time, you could imbue yourself and your allies with fish gills.



Requisition 2

An experimental harness which allows the user to phase in and out of reality. For safety, you should be able to see where you are going.



Requisition 1


A high definition camera and recorded attached inconspicuously to the user used for tracking all information you gain while on deployment.



Requisition 1

Bypass Kit

*A collection of physical and digital entry devices, lock picks, RFID spoof, network traffic sniffer, crowbar, rake, and others. *

  • Traits: Toolkits, Skilled(Application).
  • You have all the tools required to get through any lock. The difficulty will be based on the complexity of the lock.



Requisition 2


Originally a handheld religious relic used to burn and distribute incense, war priests would modify them to distribute empowering chemicals to their allies and, depending on the rules of engagement, poison to their enemies. This was standardized into a tool for mass distribution of airborne drugs.

  • Traits: Unskilled.
  • Must have a free hand to be used.
  • You may expend one Comestibles that contains a drug or other airborne effect to distribute it around yourself. Anyone who comes within Reach of you becomes affected by the used Comestibles. This area surrounding you persists until the end of the Scene.


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0


Many people wear accessories and over wear above their jumpsuits. Engineers wear safety vests, janitors overalls, security combat vests and doctors/scientists lab coats.

  • As a Reclaimer, you are free to wear any reasonable clothing over your protective jumpsuit.



Requisition 2

Combat Drone

A small flying disk with attached cameras and propulsion. The camera of a drone and its status syncs with your Heads-Up-Display and can be controlled with your mind. This drone has a small energy laser attached, which can be used to destroy bulkheads and wreak havoc autonomously.



Requisition 0

Composition Scanner

This unassuming device can process and identify the chemical composition, and estimate the properties, of any material sample provided to it.

  • Traits: Unskilled
  • If provided a small sample of a material, you will receive information on its makeup, properties and details to your Heads-Up-Display.



Requisition 2

Copycat Kit

All the tools and equipment required to disguise yourself as anyone, at any time. Advanced prosthesis, voice modulators, a colour changing jumpsuit and other useful tools.



Requisition 3

Death Serum




Requisition 1


A tool designed to help visiting engineers to a station, providing details on broken devices and where any replacement parts are.

  • Traits: Toolkits, Unskilled.
  • You can determine the issue with any damaged device.
  • Information on location of repair materials is provided to your Heads-Up-Display.



Requisition 1


A small powerful device that disrupts all transmissions and electronic sensors in an area, making things like cameras, microphones and detectors not work.

  • Traits: Unskilled
  • When activated, a disruptor disables all Close cameras, sensors, communication equipment, and other similar devices.


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0


An in ear shortwave communication/intranet connected device your team can use to talk to one another. Communications are encrypted using reclaimer-specific keys.

  • You can speak with your allies within 5 kilometres or on the same intranet.



Requisition 0


A small homunculus of psychically malleable cells, this creature obeys your will through a mental link.

Initiative Move Threat Integrity Weakness Resistance
- Close 0 2 Impact  

This creature is very susceptible to transformation.



Requisition 1

Fear Suppressors

A powerful military supplement that makes people dangerously fearless even at the point of being a risk to themselves.



Requisition 2

Flash Grenades

Grenades designed for non-lethal takedowns and entries, causing a bright light + loud explosion that is enough to cause temporary blindness and deafness.



Requisition 1


This quick acting substance given by injector almost immediately flushes any toxin, or drug from a person’s system and, in almost all cases, alleviates the symptoms of an overdose.



Requisition 1


A powerful inhaled supplement that helps overworked labourers maintain focus on elongated shifts. The unfortunate side effects of focus are a reduction in social skills and declining health if taken repeatedly.



Requisition 1

Forensics Kit

A small sensor system that can quickly process, identify and compare DNA samples as well as a suite of other useful tools.

  • Traits: Toolkits, Skilled(Understanding).
  • You can compare and output DNA sequences from samples.
  • You can compare injuries to and output and compare potential weapon profiles.
  • You can evaluate points of attack and forced entry.



Requisition 2

Gravity Propulsion

This harness provides you with propulsion in any direction as well as letting you comfortably hover.


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0

Heads Up Display

A tool that provides passive information about your environment. It can either be an implant, contact lenses, or glasses. Needs to be loaded with programs to provide specialized information.

  • Provides details on the current time, sun cycle, and can display a map or other files.



Requisition 1

Horror Encyclopedia

This strange electronic tome contains data on every reported anomaly and monster ever reported or studied by humanity.



Requisition 1


An “Individual First Aid Kit” providing all the materials required to keep yourself fighting even through the worst injuries.



Requisition 2


A high-tech device designed to investigate illness / disease and produce panacea. With enough time, a character can use an inoculator to create a cure for any illness or disease.

  • Traits: Toolkits, Skilled(Application).
  • If you have a sample of a disease or illness, you can create a cure or vaccine for it. Depending on the origin of the illness, it may be too late for those already infected, but others can be vaccinated.


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0


CentGov citizens wear a standardized jumpsuit made of advanced synthetic materials and sprayed with ablative foam for additional protection. These tend to be colour coded based on occupation, see Fashion.

  • A Reclaimer can wear any colour they choose, but most prefer to wear the colour of their original occupation, green, or black.


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0


A reinforced vacuum sealable sack. Designed to collect large amounts of objects while folding down to a size that would fit in a pocket when not in use. Has two straps for wearing as a backpack and can be opened up to function as a hammock.

  • Storing or accessing anything in a LOOT sack requires an Action.



Requisition 1

Maglock Boots

This heavy set of boots integrate with your movements to allow you to remain connected to surfaces while not experiencing gravity.



Requisition 0


A set of restraints. Designed using modern materials, making escape nearly impossible.



Requisition 2

Memory Modifier

A small device with two large LED light bulbs, a low frequency speaker, and electrical diodes designed to probe and manipulate the mind. Used in desperate circumstances to help patients who have suffered loss forget trauma. In the field, it can have many uses.

  • Traits: Toolkits, Skilled(Application).
  • You can use this device to scan memories out of a Character brain.
  • You can use this device to remove a memory from a Character brain. If this memory resulted in them gaining Stress it is also removed.
  • You can, most difficultly, modify a memory from a Character brain to be different.



Requisition 1

Micro Printer

Spare parts and electronics as well as a polymer printer required to construct temporary prosthetics and other tools. Using a micro printer requires notable configuration.

  • Traits: Charges(Munition Capacity), Toolkits, Skilled(Application).
  • Spend 1 charge to create a temporary device, tool, or other part you need.
  • Spend 1 charge to create a prosthetic that will function as well as the real thing while on Deployment. This can either be attached using surgery or other medical facilities, or you can spend an additional charge for the printer to attach it.



Requisition 2

Mind Shield

An advanced collar that allows the user to propel a force field around themselves.



Requisition 1


Injectors of strong selectively acting pain medication designed to mitigate a person’s pain and long form injuries without otherwise impacting their performance.



Requisition 1

Patching Kit

A collection of pins, synthetic seals, bolts and metal bits used to repair armour in the field.



Requisition 1

Portable Morgue

A kit consisting of everything you need to be a morgue on the go, body bags, autopsy equipment, toxicology scanning tools, and solvents designed to destroy problematic corpses.



Requisition 1

Problem Solving Pen

A true space age pen for the engineer on the go. Not only is this pen designed to work in zero gravity, it also includes a sealing foam sprayer, fire extinguisher, and highlighter.



Requisition 1

Riot Shield

A massive slab of hardened ceramic designed for controlling crowds and protecting the user from attack. A connection point on the side, and the fact it straps to the arm, means you can still use two-handed weapons while using it.



Requisition 2

Riot Suppression Cans

Gas grenades designed to break up a room. Without protection, a person can’t breathe inside and irritants can cause issues for minutes afterwards.



Requisition 1

Ritualism Kit

A satchel of elixirs, dried powders, fetishes, and other small bits of superstition that can be used to attune with the Other Side.



Requisition 1


Fast acting injectors causing a calming effect on anyone injected. Primarily used for aggressive citizens and patients so they can be detained.



Requisition 1

Shooter Harness

This advanced mechanical arm integrates with your weapon, providing you intel on distances accuracy, drop-off and anything else you can imagine.



Requisition 0


A bulky instrument that can measure components of unknown phenomenon via a wide array of conventional sensors as well as esoteric means such as crystal arrays, magnets, and occult fetishes. Capable of measuring electromagnetic fields, temperature fluctuations, chemical composition.

  • Traits: Toolkits, Skilled(Understanding).
  • It can be used to detect the supernatural, magical, psychic energy, miracles, temporal fluctuations, and the astronomically improbable.



Requisition 1

Stasis Injector

An injector full of a quick acting serum leaving a target locked in a stasis locking their injuries and state in equilibrium for a few hours. This provides someone time to bring a near hopeless patient to a medical facility where they can receive proper care.


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0


Your character is an expert and knows to pack some additional supplies they might need. Trash bags, spare food, lighter, pocket knife, gas mask, water purifying tablets, whatever it is, you potentially packed it.

  • Traits: Charges(Munition Capacity).
  • You may spend a charge to have a tool or item that isn’t too technical that works until the end of the Scene or consumed.
  • Supplies may also be expended to replenish any Comestibles you brought on deployment or replenish a piece of Gear with Charges.



Requisition 1

Surveillance Gear

A collection of all the electronics and sensors you need to watch and listen in on anyone you need to.



Requisition 1

Survey Gear

Everything a character needs to travel and survey an area, including rope, grapnel, a mechanical winch, marking flags, lamps, an automated shovel, and others.



Requisition 2

Synthesis Kit

A small device filled with chambers and vials of elements ready to be forced together using massive amounts of energy. This tool can create basically anything you might need out of its core elements, though it can’t create a massive amount.


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0

TAC Rigging

A military harness with hooks, vests, loops, pouches and slings designed to carry all of your equipment efficiently distributing weight and making it easy to get at all of your equipment fast. Any equipment your character has on them is clearly visible, but also much more efficient to use.



Requisition 1

Tinkering Kit

A collection of scrap bits, odds and ends, adhesive and other consumables you might need to fix or quickly construct something. Any time you need scrap, replacement parts, or other machined parts you can rely on this kit.



Requisition 0

Trauma Kit

A collection of medicines, bandages, synthetic skin, coagulating powder, blood supplements, splints, and other things required to keep people alive after suffering injury.