2: Training Day


The players will be travelling to Mars for mandatory training and evaluation. There will be other people there competing for attention and funding. There will also be a malicious AI trying to get them killed, putting them in “Impromptu Emergencies”.



Military Base

graph TD
Checkpoint <--> Parade
Checkpoint <--> Watchtower<-->Security <--> Bunks <--> Maintenance <--> Command <--> Medical <--> Checkpoint
Watchtower <--> Parade
Security <--> Parade
Bunks <--> Parade
Maintenance <--> Parade
Command <--> Parade
Medical <--> Parade


People in charge of the area.

Screaming Forest (He/Him)

  • Culture: Kaar
  • Appearance: No hair, Black eyes, Have piercing eyes, Are short
  • Demeanour: Pushy
  • Goal: Defend their allies
  • Quirk: Constantly moisturizes
  • Wears a Plate-Carrier, carries a Vibro-Weapon.


    People protecting the area. Carry Combat-Armour and Gauss-Gun

    Muirgen Red Teeth (She/Her)

  • Culture: Unborn
  • Appearance: Long Red hair, Brown eyes, Are short, humanoid with a strange snarling face full of red teeth.
  • Demeanour: Warm
  • Goal: Avoid conflict
  • Quirk: Is non-mobile

Casimir Lundqvist (He/Him)

  • Culture: Prole
  • Appearance: Stubbled Silver hair, Blue eyes, Have dark skin
  • Demeanour: Wondering
  • Goal: Defend their allies
  • Quirk: Is obsessed with someone famous

5 additional personelle in cryo + Security Drones.


People keeping the area working.

Erin (She/Her)

  • Culture: Envoy
  • Appearance: Bald, Pink eyes, Are scrawny
  • Demeanour: Pointed Words
  • Goal: Defend their allies
  • Quirk: Is distracted by their device
  • Runs the training facilities.

Ellen (She/Her)

  • Culture: Envoy
  • Appearance: Braided Bleached hair, Black eyes, Have many tattoos, Are tall
  • Demeanour: Pointed Words
  • Goal: Be left alone
  • Quirk: Non-Verbal
  • Works on the station itself including the AI


  • Culture: AI
  • Demeanour: Soulless


People keeping the people working.

J4M3S (It/Its)

  • Culture: IPC
  • Appearance: No hair, Green on white eyes, Have piercing eyes, Have a prosthetic
  • Demeanour: Pushy
  • Goal: Avoid conflict
  • Quirk: Has a pet rat.


    People passing through.

Reuben Lewin (He/Him)

  • Culture: Prole
  • Appearance: Short Cropped Bleached hair, Blue eyes
  • Demeanour: Cheerful
  • Goal: Avoid conflict
  • Quirk: Loves locomotives
  • Engineer / Mechanized technician.
  • Wears EXO-Frame, carries Gauss-Gun

Fast Mushroom (They/Them)

  • Culture: Kaar
  • Appearance: No hair, Black eyes, Colourful hair
  • Demeanour: Wondering
  • Goal: Maintain order
  • Quirk: Has a button collection
  • Military Specialist From Assault Division.
  • Has integrated living armour, carries a Praetorian-Glaive.
  • Knows 27F

Rose (She/Her)

  • Culture: Envoy
  • Appearance: Braided Bleached hair, Black eyes, Have burnt eyes
  • Demeanour: Insightful
  • Goal: Avoid conflict
  • Quirk: Is obsessed with books
  • Graduate from a Naval College, thinks she can do everything.
  • Carries a plasma pistol.


  • Arrive and do an orientation.
  • Meet the other people to socialize a bit, they will consider this a competition.
  • Notice station uses Robots instead of Lobos for tests.
  • Do some tests:
    • Casual questioning.
    • Subterfuge.
    • De-escalate a hostage situation.
    • Marksmanship training.
    • Close quarters combat.
    • Deciphering cult activity, guessing their next location.
    • Handling horrors.
  • Surprise Ambushes:
    • Doors seal and start to depressurize in airlock.
    • Robot attacks someone out of nowhere.
    • Turrets fire on the team with live ammo.
    • Walk in on an ally who has been maimed during a test.



The Free


Basic humanoid robots, unfeeling and powerful.

Move Integrity Weakness Resistance
Close 4 Cold Impact




Combat Drone

A small flying disk with attached cameras and propulsion. This drone has a small energy laser attached, which can be used to destroy bulkheads and wreak havoc autonomously.

Move Integrity Weakness Resistance
Close 3 Cold Rending





The Free

Automata Operative

Advanced humanoid robots, unfeeling and powerful.

Move Integrity Weakness Resistance
Close 4 Cold Impact



  • 2 damage automata,
  • 3 drones 0 integrity.
  • 1 integrity left group.
  • 1 integrity right group. (on fire)