
This page consists of all terms and keywords a player may come into contact with while playing the game.


Any skill test where a Character is attempting to harm or disrupt another.

Successful Attack

If a Character succeeds on an Attack skill test, that is considered a Successful Attack

Non-mitigated Attack

If a Character succeeds on an Attack skill test and their Opponent doesn’t stop the attack with a Reaction, that is a non-mitigated attack.

Mitigated Attack

If a Character fails an attack roll or their Opponent stops the attack with a reaction, that is a mitigated attack.


An abstraction for how much power and harm is behind an attack. When you suffer damage it is first absorbed by Armour and then results in Injury.

Wounding Attack

If a Character successfully Wounded with an attack it is considered a wounding attack.


The opposition of a currently referenced Character. The character who will be negatively effected by your actions, or you would be by theirs.


References a player character, NPC, creature, or other entity that might perform an action, or have an action performed on them.

Melee Attack

An Attack with a weapon with no otherwise specified range that is not thrown. You can generally make a melee attack within Reach.

Thrown Attack

An Attack with a weapon which is thrown at the target. Things like bows and crossbows are not thrown attacks.


A Character is trained in something if they either have the relevant training, or at least 1 rank in the skill.

Most Skilled

The Character with the highest bonus on a specific skill test.


A character who is friendly and aiding a Character.

Free Action

An action that can be done in parallel with other actions during an Action.


Any Weapons with the Shield trait.


A character who is an Ally but also is willing to be directly commanded.


A Character is mounted if they are currently riding on another tamed creature which they are in control of. This usually means a horse, but could be another creature.

Combat Action

Any skill test related to combat.

Social Action

Any skill test related to communicating or interacting non-violently with another character.


Something that a Character does, usually requires a Skill Test and time.

Skill Test

Any time a Character rolls 2d6 + skill to determine an outcome, this is a skill test.

Ranged Attack

Any Attack that isn’t a Melee Attack.

Obey Conservation Of Mass

When you craft or otherwise create something, you need to be mindful that something cannot come from nothing. So a size 3 item requires at least 3 size of materials if not otherwise specified to create.

Crafting Cost

The general requirement to craft, create, or perform a Ritual Magic. If not otherwise specified, the crafting cost for something is to Obey Conservation Of Mass.


This training requires something else before it can be used.


You may when expected to perform one type of skill test, you may instead perform the substitute.


An Action that isn’t related to combat, and does not happen during combat.


A re-roll is when a character re-rolls all dice they just rolled and recalculates the results based on the new numbers.


Refers to a bonus being able to be taken multiple times to get the effect repeated.


See Charges.

Difficulty Value

The penalty for an Action assigned by the Game Master.

Unarmed Attack

An unarmed attack is a Melee Attack without a weapon, using only your limbs. It causes 1 Impact damage.


A scene refers to the current moment of action / intrigue playing out. Scenes don’t have a defined length or strict rules, but it is a useful way of talking about narrative play. If something is directed to end at the end of the scene and the Game Master feels that has narratively not been enough time, it is reasonable to extend the effect.

Eye Line

A character is within eye line of something if an unbroken line could be drawn from the center of their head (or vision center) to the thing you are checking eye line of.


A Character is compliant in an Action if they are willing to be a part of it or cannot otherwise stop it from happening.

Player Character

The players, characters, heroes, adventurers etc. refers to the character that a player is playing directly. They will have motivations, plans, ideas, abilities, and be directed by the players themselves.

Game Master

The GM, or, game master is the person who directs the flow of the game. They set up the initial state of the world, potentially with help from the players, then control every non-player character and entity in it.