Supporting Squad


Edwin Price


A Prole standing 5’9” with the slender frame commonly seen in those spending more time in space than on the ground. He keeps his hair cropped short to better facilitate void suits and alleviate the nuisance of free floating hair in zero-g. This function over form extends to the rest of Edwin’s attire, which frequently sports TAC-Rigging and repair equipment even when not on deployment. Edwin’s facial features mimic his general demeanour in depicting a boyish charm, if only they were not marred by the scars of several near-death experiences. Edwin’s piercing blue eyes are at odds with his effervescent smile, briefly relaying the horrors of the galaxy with which Edwin has become all too familiar.


The primary tech for Bellator’s vehicle bay and mechanized gear.


Levi Sunsworth


A Noble who had left home to join the military, much to his families’ disappointment. He has a tanned complexion and Mediterranean features, his family originally hailing from old world Greece. He’s neatly groomed except for his dark, carefully dishevelled “I woke up like this” hair. He is grotesquely muscular with massive augments, which he accentuates with clothes that emphasize it.


The training officer for Bellator Squad.


L0V3 J01


Joy has a sleek, white, and well polished chassis, and rich black joints reminiscent of ball-jointed dolls. Her body, while lacking traditional humanoid gender markers, is frequently read with a feminine lens, due to its gentle curvature and slight frame. Her face is flat and black, with information being displayed in a neon blue dot matrix. She typically doesn’t wear clothing for warmth or decorative purposes, though will readily equip items for protection or function in the laboratory. She has a gentle demeanour and is normally pleasant, but has poor bedside manner and a detached idea of death and illness.


Joy joined the Reclaimers, having specialized as a medic. She had naive ambitions of acting as a pacifist, wanting to aid and protect her compatriots and bring her specialized skills in medicine to distant areas facing strife. However, her time with the reclaimers exposed her to numerous horrors, alien biology, and advanced science she couldn’t have fathomed in the classroom.

This led her to the conclusion that the distance between human and inhuman, or life and death, are much closer than she’d been taught. While this allowed her to advance her studies greatly, and brought her to enormous breakthroughs, it also made her seem uncaring or cavalier in ways which many find off-putting.

Notable Abilities

Joy is rarely seen without her two companions, and is highly attached to both.

The more unassuming of the two is a small medical drone that hovers over her shoulder constantly. While it’s equipped with injector technology, it’s never been seen helping her administer aid to a patient, and it’s rumoured to be equipped with a deadly serum.

More horrifically to her coworkers is a hulking mass she has affectionately named “Chansey”. Chansey can only be described as a mass of black and purple ooze that vaguely at times resembles flesh. It morphs and forms limbs and mouth as needed, and at times, you may spot humanoid parts in its mass, though far more than would have belonged to any one person. It smells of rot and digestion, and has gentle acidic properties to things that it touches.

While most people are terrified of Chansey, Joy is delighted by it, and alternates freely between treating it as a son and Igor type beleaguered lab assistant. Chansey is fiercely loyal to Joy, and she refuses to work without it at her side. As such, her lab is custom fitted to support it.


An IPC working as a xeno-biologist and geneticist for Bellator squad.


Matilda Cross (she/her)


A shorter woman with a powerlifters physique. She has severe burns on one half of her face, partially covered by a metal plate over her crown. The implants cause her short black hair to fall limply to one side, unable to grow on one half of her head. Matilda wears a plain military jumpsuit modified with compression bands above her waist. In the field, she wears an EXO-Frame and primarily uses a Grav-Fist. She is sharp and to the point, her main drive is duty, and she has a dry gallows humour.


Ex-military, assault forces Reclaimer, who oversees Bellator squad.