How To Play

This game takes place with people controlled Player Characters interacting with a world designed by a Game Master.

  • How-To-Play explains the basics of the rules, you should be mindful of changing these rules as they are fundamental to the game.
  • Telling-The-Story explains more advanced concepts like injury, combat, rules in telling the story are more flexible.
  • Guidelines for the Game Master are provided in Running The Game.


dice-icons Every Action is resolved by rolling 2d6 + modifier. In every case, there will be a relevant Skill and Attribute associated with the action being attempted. To obtain your modifier \(skill\ value + stat\ value - difficulty = modifier\) Difficulty is assigned by the GM and defaults to 0. After determining the modifier, you then roll.

  • If roll + modifier >= 10 you succeed.
  • Otherwise, you fail.
  • Players should not get to make skill tests for impossible actions.

Common modifiers include: rushed (-1), high pressure (-1), non-trivial (-1), complicated task (-2), challenging (-3), hellish task (-5), impossible task (-7). Skills will also provide some examples.

Things To Remember

Say Yes

The rules provided within this section are not supposed to be exhaustive. This is a set of guidelines to give players and game masters an idea of what is possible, and how it should be determined. Generally, you should try to never say “no” to a player’s impulse. You should inform them of the difficulty of a task and from there they can make an informed decision on if they want to progress.

Rule In Player Favour

If a rule is ambiguous or leads to confusion between The Players and the GM, in the moment you should always interpret in the way that is best for the players. When time permits you can discuss how the rule will be handled in the future which may not be as beneficial for the players, with the GM having final say and potentially setting House Rules.

Table of contents