Magical Attacks

Magic or otherworldly attacks are different from combat in that they potentially have additional combat modifiers that are provided by some form of character development.

These all have an included action modifier, which is the penalty the action suffers when adding that effect.


Action modifier (-2) The attack affects everyone in within Reach of the target (everyone gets a reaction).


Action modifier (-1) If this is a Successful Attack the Opponent becomes On Fire.


Action modifier (-1) After a Successful Attack the Opponent performs a Coordination Fixed Difficulty(0), if they fail, they become Prone.


Action modifier (-3) The attack affects everyone in a cone directed at a target Close to you.


Action modifier (-1) If this is a Successful Attack and the opponent is a machine or automata, the Opponent becomes Stunned.


Action modifier (-4) This attack hits everyone Close to your target.


Action modifier (0) This attack does not cause Injury


Action modifier (-1) If this is a Successful Attack the Opponent is Slowed.


Action modifier (-1) If this is a Successful Attack the Opponent performs a Endurance Fixed Difficulty(0), if they fail, they become Stunned.


Action modifier (-5) The Opponent cannot perform Reactions in response to this attack.