
Table of contents


C10-VER.4 is an IPC Xeno-Biologist who has created a compendium of the extra-terrestrial life in the known universe. This breadth of knowledge drew the attention of the Central Government and the Reclaimers. C10 has a large spherical face with golden yellow eyes.

Weapons (Select Up To 2)


Standard Equipment

Requisition 1

Break Action Driver

A destructive break action launcher which can load standard micro fléchette rounds, or any type of grenade. Designed for portability while still having excellent damage potential.


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0


A reliable sidearm for military and non-military personnel. Reclaimers usually prefer either rapid firing semi-automatic pistols, or higher calibre slower fire rate revolvers, though either provides similar overall damage potential.



Requisition 1

Mechanized Knife

This small vicious tool resembling a cross between a chainsaw and a knife covered in small polymer teeth capable of rending armour and flesh alike. Has a self-cleaning cycle to deal with matter buildup in the teeth, and sharpening.


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0

Polymer Weapon

A small 3d-printed melee weapon made of hardened polymers. Standard issue and useful for survival. This weapon comes in many styles, such as a shovel, hatchet, baton, knife, machete.



Requisition 2

Surgical Tool

A portable device which works as any tool required for surgery. Uses vibro technology to facilitate cutting through armour during surgeries in the field. Though primarily a tool, the high-powered vibro saw also functions exceptionally well as a weapon.

Armour (Select 1)


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0

Plate Carrier

A small lightweight chest armour consisting of advanced fabric covering the torso and neck and 2 high density hard plates made of advanced polymers designed to stop projectiles, one for each of the chest and back. Usually includes a helmet or hood.


Standard Equipment

Requisition 0

Slash Mesh

A lightweight weave of flexible carbon tubing worn as an undershirt and leggings. This weave helps to mitigate energy as well as stopping most basic bladed weapons from causing any serious damage.



Requisition 0


A protective suit designed to keep you safe against the horrors of space. It’s a bit bulky to move around in.

Gear (Select Any Number)



Requisition 2


A disturbing needle pointed glove oozing with strange fluids that seem to be secreted from your body. This device is used to temporarily disrupt the genetic makeup of those around you in strange and incredible ways.

  • Traits: Skilled(Ascendancy).
  • As an Action you can modify someone within Reach with some small boon or malady until the end of the Scene.
  • With a few minutes, you can drastically alter a willing character or characters with a new property that last until the end of deployment, or until you create another drastic change.
  • On failure, you and the target suffer a Stress. On a Critical Failure the target also suffers 2 Injury Damage.

So, during combat you could cause someone’s muscles to grow giving them +1 Strength, or with some time, you could imbue yourself and your allies with fish gills.



Requisition 0


A small homunculus of psychically malleable cells, this creature obeys your will through a mental link.

Initiative Move Threat Integrity Weakness Resistance
- Close 0 2 Impact  

This creature is very susceptible to transformation.



Requisition 1


Injectors of strong selectively acting pain medication designed to mitigate a person’s pain and long form injuries without otherwise impacting their performance.



Requisition 1

Portable Morgue

A kit consisting of everything you need to be a morgue on the go, body bags, autopsy equipment, toxicology scanning tools, and solvents designed to destroy problematic corpses.



Requisition 1

Stasis Injector

An injector full of a quick acting serum leaving a target locked in a stasis locking their injuries and state in equilibrium for a few hours. This provides someone time to bring a near hopeless patient to a medical facility where they can receive proper care.



Requisition 0

Trauma Kit

A collection of medicines, bandages, synthetic skin, coagulating powder, blood supplements, splints, and other things required to keep people alive after suffering injury.






You have a medical scanner integrated into your Heads-Up-Display providing you with instant medical details on anyone you look at.

  • You can always tell how injured a person is and where the issue is.
  • When starting a Project related to health medicine, you always succeed with at least 1 Step of success.
  • If you can see a person’s face, you know their medical history.