Departure Activities

When you are going on Deployment you have the opportunity to ready yourself for the mission. Everyone may perform 1 of the following activities before departure.


You use the tools available to predict more about the coming troubles.

  • You can ask a question, which the Game Master must try to answer. Some suggestions are:
  • What types of harm can we expect?
  • What types of weapons will be effective?
  • What should I be worried about?

Equipment Grants

You work on grants justifying additional required equipment during the next deployment

Gear Organization

You take the time to properly fit your gear

Last-Minute Practice

You take the time to reinforce your skills


Advanced predictive algorithms mean you have exactly what you need when you need it on deployment.


You take the time to relax yourself

Work On A Project

You have something on the go that you’ve been working away at.

  • Work with the Game Master to come up with new Advancements that you could potentially take in the future based on your current work.