Attack Bonuses

These are common bonuses and negatives you can receive on your attacks which will make attacking easier. This is not an exhaustive list and sometimes, if you feel you are advantaged over your opponent, you should express this to your GM, and they may give you additional bonuses. As well, some combat bonuses can be learned by taking specific combat training, or having specific pieces of equipment.

Shooting Position

If when shooting you are in a comfortable position you get a +1 to the skill test.


If your opponent is outnumbered In Melee, you receive a +1 to melee attacks and manoeuvres against them.

Severely Outnumbered

If your opponents are outnumbered In Melee by more than 2 to 1 you receive a +2 to melee attacks and manoeuvres against them. (ex: 3 to 1, 5 to 2 etc.).


When making an attack or manoeuvre, if your opponent is unaware of your presence, you get a +4 to the skill test.

Unweighted for Throwing

If you attempt to throw a weapon that doesn’t have the thrown tag, you receive a -3 on the skill test. Basic weapons only have a -1 penalty.

On Your Back

When attempting a melee test, if you are prone, you receive a -2.

Distance Penalty

When you use a non-Striking weapon, if outside the weapon’s Range you suffer a similar penalty to Movement Action Penalty.